Thursday, October 18, 2007

Goddamn Aaron Cometbus!

Easily excited, easily disappointed. Big ideas, big plans, big worries. Long drives, long kisses, long days and long letters from long lost friends. That's my idea of a good life. Best to keep the letters short though, like a good song, leaves you wanting more. It's spring in the world right now, and I don't mean just the weather. The old are young again the cripped walk, grudges mysteriously disappeared, and even washed up old bands are exciting again. Washed up people are exciting again. Second changes for everyone. Free refills. It's never too late. It's never too late to be too late. Everyone is working on new projects and prospects and I haven't ever seen so many people with a gleam in their eye and a swing in their step.

I go to sleep early and sleep late and still wakeup in time for coffee and the goddamn sun is still shining. Unbelievable. Lets hear it for sleeveless t-shirts. Black spray paint, red fingernail polish and black and white photographs turning yellow. Lost friends found, lost pride found and suddenly the past is just a good story instead of a ball and chain.

It's spring, brush your teeth and break some bones. Stolen kisses and stolen glances and pretty much anything else stolen as long as you can get away with it and no ones worse off then slyness. Cheap beer, strong coffee, spicy food and you cant go wrong. Spring and finding money on the sidewalk. Finally hearing that song that's been in your head for weeks. A good book and a long walk and painted shadows and spelling out words in gasoline on the city hall lawn. Spring and small pleasures that quench your thirst for life, and wash down those big disappointments.


Blogger We are always, always mortal said...

I remember reading that in an airport, being delayed by snow.

11:34 AM  

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